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Blistar AB Webbdesign
How to get to Stockholm city center from Bromma Airport
Located 7 kilometers from Stockholm. The closest airport to the city.
From the airport you can get to the city by public transportation, shuttle or rented car. The journey by car will take no more than 10 minutes.
Public transportation
Flygbussarna bus
You can easily get into the city by the Flygbussarna shuttle. It goes non-stop into the city to the central bus station. Also, you can take the bus number 152, which will take you to the city center. On the website you can see all the information about the buses.
One of the most convenient ways to get to the city. We recommend using the transfer service kiwitaxi.com
Cost: from 81 EUR for an economy class car.
You can easily find a car at the airport exit.
Cost: from 40 EUR.
Rent a car
You can rent a car at the airport and online, for example, on the website avtoprokat.ru.
Cost: from 81 EUR per day.
How to get to Stockholm Bus and Railway Station from Bromma Airport